Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#10 Image generator

I did some others which i've loaded to my Flickr account
This is my little ray of sunshine, Squiffy

The Karma of Literature

I released another book into the wild on the weekend. Lots of decisions around selecting ‘the chosen one’. Will someone enjoy this? Where is the best place to release? Which booktag will I use, general, genre, vacation etc?
Read and release. I would love to catch one one day but I think to do that I need to check the recently released lists more frequently. Parliament Station, platform 3, about an hour ago, 5 books - maybe one will still be there. A lot of people seem to favour cafes or in trees in parks (suitably protected).

#14 Technorati

Technorati is more attractive to look at than Feedster. The same search terms seemed to come up with less sites selling things but not any more interesting/relevant (to me at least). Once you’re more familiar with the sites it may be better but I’m not convinced enough to spend the time.
Topix looks interesting but our council intranet has as ABC News top story live feed which is easy and convenient to use. I would probably go straight to the websites of CNN or BBC etc. I also added one of the newsfeeds to my bloglines and to be honest I think the forums are a waste of time.
I did find one blog with a ‘makeuseofblog’ feed which was quick and simple and worked easily unlike some to the others I tried although I gather now (after swearing and giving up) that at least some of the problems were to do with our version of IE readers Netscape??

#7 Using technology

I did do these in order but didn't post them. I liked the which one of my colleagues put on her blog. I am forwarding it to my sister-in-law who would use it in her crafting. is great! I've watead a lot of time here. I already knew the Dilbert ones but it has tons of interesting ones which I will have to try at some stage like Celtic cross-stitch generator, the EMO Haiku generator was a kak, my brother is certainly getting some of those.
And it's a bit old hat but yes- I really do like e-cards and use them, although it’s disappointing when the recipients don’t have sound cards or are otherwise blocked form receiving the full benefit. Tip” they’re great for doing ahead and setting delivery times so it doesn’t matter if you forget. I know it’s fairly low-tech but I like it.

#11 LibraryThing

I have looked at LibraryThing before and thought I couldn’t be bothered putting all my books on. What I own is not a true indicator of what I read anyway. I do like the ability to have covers but then a lot of what I have doesn’t have covers. It would be good for collections or if I was contacting other collectors. It can be interesting looking at the libraries of others who have the same books but there are also other places to see that.

#9 finding feeds & Library related Blogs

Do I have time to search for the gold amongst the dross? In FeedsterI seem to keep finding the majority of sites are trying to sell things and most of the rest boring, often out of date or rubbish, I’d rather be in Second Life and I don’t have time for that. I already subscibe to unshelved and librarybytes. I might look at adding feeds from some more in that mythical 'when i get time'.

#8 RSS feeds and Bloglines

I already have some, what I now know as RSS feed alerts, set up from sites such as Bowkers Books in Print and Library journal and find having them go straight into a folder in my outlook is probably more convenient than logging into Bloglines. I’ve set up 14 feeds and the interesting part will be how often I actually check them. Blogs feeds might be useful though to save me going to check the very few that I am actually interested in.
Again it makes it harder that I am not in an office with colleagues to ask (although I do share an office with one I end up doing this after hours).
Library is a difficult search term though as everyone has their photo library, their book library, their document library etc and narrowing the terms down seems to be a bit hit and miss depending on how people have tagged them.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Originally uploaded by myrtepeert