Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#7 Using technology

I did do these in order but didn't post them. I liked the which one of my colleagues put on her blog. I am forwarding it to my sister-in-law who would use it in her crafting. is great! I've watead a lot of time here. I already knew the Dilbert ones but it has tons of interesting ones which I will have to try at some stage like Celtic cross-stitch generator, the EMO Haiku generator was a kak, my brother is certainly getting some of those.
And it's a bit old hat but yes- I really do like e-cards and use them, although it’s disappointing when the recipients don’t have sound cards or are otherwise blocked form receiving the full benefit. Tip” they’re great for doing ahead and setting delivery times so it doesn’t matter if you forget. I know it’s fairly low-tech but I like it.

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