Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#11 LibraryThing

I have looked at LibraryThing before and thought I couldn’t be bothered putting all my books on. What I own is not a true indicator of what I read anyway. I do like the ability to have covers but then a lot of what I have doesn’t have covers. It would be good for collections or if I was contacting other collectors. It can be interesting looking at the libraries of others who have the same books but there are also other places to see that.

1 comment:

Pat Miller said...

Hi Marie, Your list of recent reads looks identical to my holds list. I've finished the Learning 2.0 course so now I may have more time to catch up on my reading. We are really taking off with Web 2.0 now over here at MLS. We are setting up project blogs to improve communication across the library service. More to come!
Cheers! Pat